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  1. My faith is shaken. Can I as an individual help others to overcome this trauma?

    Come on! A flood cannot shake your faith. Then it is no faith at all. Simply know that in every moment of crisis, you will get help and you are helped. There is a power that stands with you, which helps you. That is all you need to keep in mi ...
  2. Gurudev, in the Mahabharata who was closer to guru, Eklavya or Arjuna? How did Eklavya get such profound knowledge just with his Guru’s idol. How is that possible?

    'Shraddhavan labhate jnanam matparassamyat indriyaha', (one with faith gains knowledge).When one has faith, knowledge flows to them. Faith brings the knowledge.Nobody needed to tell Eklavya to surrender, or to have f ...
  3. Gurudev, you have said that a devotee never questions anything (meaning a devotee’s total faith is in the Divine). But many questions arise in my mind. Does this mean that there is a lack of devotion in me?

    This you need to figure out for yourself. Do you feel that there is a lack of devotion in you? If you feel there is a lack, then there is a lack. If you are feeling hungry, how can I tell, whether you are hungry or not? Will you come and ask me, ‘Guru ...
  4. Gurudev, if faith is the only thing that matters, then a person who does not believe in God but only in himself is also correct, is that so?

    Yes, but, belief in self implies that somewhere inside there is a higher self and that higher self is what is called God. You may not label it, but you’ll definitely believe in a higher power. ...
  5. Gurudev, how to cultivate shraddha (faith)? The mind is fickle and wants proof before it believes.

    The moment you understand that your mind is fickle then you’re getting out of it. You can’t have a fickle mind for too long, some interval has to come. That brings wisdom. ‘I am being fickle minded’, with that very awareness ...
  6. Gurudev, I fear the death of my near and dear ones. Please tell me how I can overcome my fear.

    Is there anyone who in this world who does not belong to you? Who is a stranger to you? Just observe. This is where your faith in God becomes important. Just believe in God, know that He is there and He will take care of everything for you. He will protect ...
  7. Gurudev, You have mentioned that present moment is infinite. It is both vast and deep. Can you please shed light on the vastness and depth of the present moment? Is it that lot of things are happening at the same time is what is meant by the vastness of the present moment?

    Yes, that is what it is. Just like the sky. We often say – ‘The sky is the limit’, is it not so? What does it mean? It means the sky is limitless. The ocean has a bottom but the sky does not have a top. It has no end. It is endless and beginning-less. That ...
  8. When faith is running low and I am not able to keep up with sadhana (spiritual practice), what do I do?

    Nothing, just wake up and see there is nothing, that’s it! However life is, you have to bear the cross. This itself is very good wisdom. It gives you strength. Whenever you want to escape from a situation, and you are finding a way to get out of ...
  9. How to increase faith in myself and in the Divine?

    Forget about it! Don’t try to increase faith. Wanting to increase faith is the problem. Know that you have as much as you need. However big is your cup, that much is already there. Relax, and you’ll find your cup is full. You can’t hold more than ...