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  1. What do you think about Donald Trump? 

    I know Americans are very intelligent people. I will let them decide what they want. I shouldn't be imposing or influencing them directly or indirectly about my opinion. There are very different people on this planet with different mindsets and ideas, a ...
  2. Gurudev, business today has become so complex, financial decisions taken in one office affects the lives of millions who are not even aware of why their currency is falling. How can I become independent of such a system?

    Well, it is really impossible. Everything is connected to the currency, right? Even if you are a farmer who says that I will grow my own food, even then you need to buy manure, or sell the products you grow; for all that you are dependent on the currenc ...
  3. Gurudev, should Jallikattu (an ancient bull vaulting sport in some states of South India) be allowed or not? There seems to be a lot of controversy over this in the recent days and people are saying it is a Western conspiracy.

    Well, there are many traditions like that. If people are so compassionate then they should first ban all the slaughterhouses, and all the horse-riding tournaments. In the Rajpath in New Delhi, there is a horse-riding sport. Horses are tamed and ...
  4. Dear Gurudev, congratulations for the meeting with the FARC in Cuba and their resolution to adopt non-violence. Is there a way that you can also approach Hamas leaders from Gaza to inspire them to do the same, as well as Israeli government members?

    Yes. You know, when politics gets involved, somewhere sincerity disappears and ambition steps in. In some places, people are happy that there are conflicts, because conflict is a cash cow for them. Many people don’t want world peace! Or el ...
  5. Gurudev, when I travel from the Ashram to the City, I see a lot of cows eating from garbage bins. What can we do about this? I think this problem is seen all over the country.

    Yes, you are right, this problem is present all over the country. You all should visit our Garbage Transformation Mission department here. We have been actively working to educate the people all around us, not to throw plastic and reduce the use of p ...
  6. There is a sequence to that question asking, what you think about the march in Paris, where 3 million French people marched together.

    That is good. An awakening has happened. On the same day and the very same time, 3 million people in Mumbai, India and from all over the world meditated and chanted. We called it Chant For Peace. Satyam Param Dhimahi. Let my mind be so pea ...
  7. Gurudev, what do you think about the massacre of the journalist of Charlie Hebdo (French satirical weekly magazine) in France, and what is the cause of all these terrorist attacks in Europe?

    Ignorance. Utter ignorance. People should have the freedom of expression. Let them say whatever they want to say. This is an inhuman act. See, on one hand you feel pity and compassion for these people because they have never had exposure to true ...
  8. Gurudev, is the entertainment industry today corrupting the minds of the people? What is your opinion about this?

    Well, I do not watch TV so I do not know. You might know better about this. My job is to heal and uplift the mind and spirit of people, and I continue to do that. I would urge you also to join me in this mission of uplifting people, bringing more joy an ...
  9. What role can the media play in creating a better world today?

    The Media has a great role to play in creating a better world. The media connects people together everywhere. Through the media, one comes to know what all is happening in different places across the world. So the media is also responsible to show the g ...
  10. Gurudev, what is the media’s role in spreading happiness?

    The Media today has two main responsibilities:1. To present facts and the truth to the people. The Media should honestly convey whatever is happening in the world to the people2. Since information is not always inspiring or uplifting, their ...