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  2. I am an elderly person, and I feel like dying because I am so dependent.

    Life is such; you should not feel that I am dependent, and I want to be independent. See, no baby has been independent. As a baby, parents took care of you, and in your old age, your children or someone else will take care of you. So, life in the beginn ...
  3. A few moments ago, you mentioned that perception is everything. So, how can we improve our perceiving power?

    Perception power can be improved through proper diet, meditation, and exercise. It has a lot to do with the circulation in the body.Suppose you keep eating and sit like a couch potato and don’t do any exercise, then you simply keep expanding ...
  4. How would you define full maturity in a human being?

    A smile that does not wither away, a confidence that doesn’t get shaken, a compassion that never dies down and a youthfulness of spirit which is alive all the time would define it for me. ...
  5. When we have all the capabilities as children, why we do lose it and how do we lose it?

    Instead of thinking, how do we lose it and why do we lose it, think about how we can find it! There could be many theories, many theorems on why we lose it, but it is of no use. What I am saying is, you should find it, and here is a way to find it! ...
  6. At what point does someone begin to feel that 'I am going in the correct direction, that I am achieving some level of consciousness', or whatever you call it?

    It will be as obvious as a pain in the leg. So when you have a pain in the leg, you don’t have to go and ask someone, is my leg paining? No!It is a personal experience. So the same thing will come up with you. You will feel absolutely at hom ...
  7. Gurudev, I want to have purity in my heart, and clarity in my mind. I want to be a good human being. How to get rid of deep rooted self-centeredness?

    You are a good person otherwise you wouldn’t have even asked this question. Know that you have all the good qualities in you. You don’t have to make an effort to bring out the good qualities. Simply assume that you have them.Don’ ...
  8. I have a habit of living in a fantasy world and I realized that it is a defense mechanism. In that world I don’t have any defects. Even when I meditate this happens, how to overcome it?

    The moment you realize it is a fantasy, you have already come out of it! If you were still in it you would think that that is the reality. The moment you labeled it as ‘My fantasy world’, you have already come to the shore. You are no longer drowning in it ...
  9. Gurudev, how can a person become a better meditator?

    See, there is no better or worse meditator. Just be in the present moment and be happy. Instead of continuously thinking, 'What can I get?' Think about, 'How can I contribute? How can I be useful for the society?' There is a certain joy in gettin ...
  10. What is the most important lesson you want us to learn from you?

    This like going to a pharmacy and asking, ‘What is the best medicine you can give me?’There is not just one thing, whatever you need, you can get everything here. Why should I limit myself to one advice for everybody? If someone is leaning to left I ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Mehr