Wisdom Search


  1. How to keep a check on my arrogance when I feel successful and happy? What are the other ways to calm the mind and make it happy, other than meditation?

    Arrogant people are somewhere insecure. They don’t have enough knowledge. But when the context of your life expands, when it changes, then where is the place for arrogance? Once you see life from a holistic perspective, there is no arrogance.B ...
  2. I studied the subject of happiness personally, and one of the things I found in my survey is that only a third of Americans consider themselves happy. What is the one piece of advice you would give to the large number of Americans who are living a hectic lifestyle?

    You’re limiting me to a very narrow scope to only one thing. Why one thing? I would go for 25 things!Well, there are different situations that we face but mainly it is the stress that shrouds our happiness. Stress simply means too much t ...
  3. How do we know what our capabilities are and how can we enhance them?

    See, sometimes we become aware of our own capabilities, and sometimes we come to know about them when someone else speaks about them, or when we hear about it from some third person.For quite some time, Lord Hanuman was not aware of his strengths to ...
  4. Gurudev, how to transform thoughts into actions with the same enthusiasm of the thought itself?

    Look, don’t sit and think too much. When a thought comes to do something, and there is enthusiasm, then you cannot keep quiet, because that is what enthusiasm is.When a thought comes along with enthusiasm, it automatically translate to ...
  5. Dear Gurudev, I tend to seek appreciation in whatever I do. How to get rid of this?

    You came to know about this, that itself is one step ahead. Now, make a determination that you don’t care whether someone appreciates or not. 'Let me do what I need to do, and not worry about others'. That is it, then you will gain the str ...
  6. Gurudev, what actually is prayaschit? How can one become free of one’s sins? Can one ever become free of guilt, or is one doomed to live with that?

    ‘Prayas’ means getting back to the original state; ‘chitta’ means consciousness.We were all born innocent. How is the mind when you are a baby? Fresh, alive, innocent. Prayaschitta means, that act which t ...
  7. How does one cultivate maturity in life?

    Perception, observation and expression - these three things can bring you maturity. The way you perceive things and observe things all around you.Wisdom doesn’t need time at all. You don’t need to become old to become mature. You s ...
  8. Gurudev, what is stronger, mind, body or soul? How can I use these three in a good way?

    The soul has its own strength, the mind has its own strength and the body has its own position. Everything has its own strength. Keep the three balanced in their own respect. <br> Just today, there was a youth who hadn't eaten since morni ...
  9. Gurudev, how can I live my life to its full potential?

    That is exactly what you are learning here (at the Art of Living). It is the ability to accommodate the opposites in life: rest with activity. If you are simply active all the time, it will not work. If you are only resting it will not work then too. You h ...
  10. How do I get over my crushes? It is very easy for me to like someone and that troubles me?

    I think you have a lot of free time. You have to get busy. This is too young an age to get crushed. You have not even blossomed like a flower yet, you are still a bud. Don’t let anybody crush you now. There is a time for it. Now focus only on your studies. ...