Wisdom Search


  1. You mentioned that on the spiritual path one needs a Guru. How does one identify their Guru, or what are the qualities one should see in a Guru?

    You tell me, what should it be? If you have an idea (of the qualities you should see in a Guru) then you have a pre-conceived notion.Do you feel comfortable here? Are you happy? Are you making progress? That’s it, done! ...
  2. Who should one honour or worship first – God, or the Guru?

    We just now sang a bhajan about this which says – “Do not see any difference between God and the Guru”. You should not see any difference between God, Guru and your soul. Despite knowing this, in our country, whenever we ...
  3. Gurudev, how important is it for a seeker to be close to his Guru's physical body presence. Can we realize ourselves by just remembering our Guru?

    Yes, it’s possible. You think of someone whom you don't like, immediately something happens in your body, isn't it. When you dislike somebody and you think of them, something happens in your body, and then don't you think that somethin ...
  4. In quantum physics, there is the concept of quantum teleportation, which is similar to that in ancient days when Gurus used to disappear and reappear wherever they wanted to. Is the new algorithms of teleportation the same as how it was implemented in the ancient days?

    Yes, our subtle bodies can do that. In the subtle body, you can appear in many people's dreams at the same time. All that is possible. For the physical bodies, in theory, teleportation is possible because we are all just energy. If an image ...
  5. What is the difference between the physical form of Sadguru and the Guru Tattva, and how can I connect to it?

    When you have asked a question, know that you are already connected to it. It means you have become an enquirer and you can enquire only because of the Guru Tattva. Got it?If someone is answering a question and claims that he is not a guru, and so ...
  6. Gurudev, in Maharashtra we have a saying which means that how can one say who is greater – God or the Guru. Please explain this, else I would believe as I always have that the Sadguru is always greater.

    Well, yes that saying is true. There is a couplet by Saint Kabir in Hindi that says, "Guru Govind dou khade, kaake lagoon paao;Balihari Guru aapne Govind diyo bataye".(Saint Kabir writes: Both God and the Guru are before me, wh ...
  7. Gurudev, according to you what is easier, becoming a Guru or or becoming a disciple?

    Easy or difficult is just a concept. Anything is difficult when you don’t have energy, anything is easy when you are full of enthusiasm and energy. You ask someone who is sick and tired, ‘Do you want to walk a mile?’ They ...
  8. In Hinduism, it is believed that one cannot obtain liberation without the Grace of the Guru. Why is this so?

    This belief is not limited to Hinduism alone. In fact, even in Buddhism, Jainism and other religions of the world, it is a widely held belief that one cannot progress and find liberation without the Guru. You will find this in Christianity also. Jesus Chri ...
  9. Gurudev, what is the right basis or yardstick to decide for who can be a Guru to us? How can we maintain the honour and dignity of this relationship?

    This depends on that deep feeling of love and belongingness from within. You cannot ‘make’ or 'choose' someone as your Guru. You simply believe that someone is your Guru. We often say that "I have 'chosen' or ‘made ...