Wisdom Search


  1. What is a living being and what is a soul?

    The living being is a wave, the soul is the ocean. ‘Eeshvar ansh jeev avinaashi’, the living being is a part of God. ...
  2. Gurudev, I used to lose my temper so easily. But now it has stopped altogether. When my work does not get done, I do not react but when I get back home I look at your picture and get upset at you.

    Doesn’t matter. You are expressing your frustration in the right place and to the right person. That is a safe place; so safe that it won’t bounce back. ...
  3. Gurudev, please throw light upon the law of attraction.

    As you sow so shall you reap. Whatever you have inside, you attract similar things towards you. If you have a lack in the realm of the mind that is what happens. Like attracts like on the subtle level whereas in the gross the opposites attract. ...
  4. There is a lot of longing and pain when ego is there and because of that one takes refuge in sadhana. When ego dissolves and love blossoms, there is very high energy but the small mind is not able to take that high infinity and again there is a lot of pain.

    That is why you have to go step by step. Don’t be in a hurry to do it all in one day and get enlightened. You have to go slowly. Do only as much as your body can take. ...
  5. Jai Gurudev, I want to know how much effect do planetary movements have on the life of an individual.

    It has an effect to some extent. But you have something deep inside you which is even more powerful. If the energy inside you wakes up it can change the impact of these movements too. ...
  6. What is the difference between spirituality and morality? It is possible to practice spirituality without practicing religious rituals.

    Yes, spirituality is beyond religious rituals. Morality is not doing to other what you don’t want others to do to you. You don’t want your daughter or son to go on a wrong path, but if you propel other kids to go on a wrong path then that is not mora ...
  7. What is the ultimate aim of the life of a human being?

    Do you really want the ultimate in life? (Answer – No) Not yet, right! Now your need are for little things. You want a job, you want a family, and you want to have children. Do all that and then the ultimate will also come. Don’t just ask for the ult ...
  8. What do you think about Reiki?

    Reiki is just a name for bio-energy being given. If you do pranayam and meditation, all that energy is already with you, you can bless anybody. You don’t have to do anything else. ...
  9. How does free will and destiny co-exist in our life?

    They always co-exist. Raining is destiny; to get wet or not is free will. If you want to get wet stand outside. If you don’t want to get wet take an umbrella and walk. ...