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  1. Trening za mlade lidere

    YOUTH LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROGRAM (YLTP)- TRENING ZA MLADE LIDERE Stvaranje dinamičnih lidera za bolje sutra Lakshminarayanan, iz malog sela u Kurnool okrugu, u državi Andhra Pradesh u Indiji, bio je jednom na rubu samoubojstva. Tek u svojim ranim dvadese ...
  2. Indija: Reintegracija maoista u društvo

    The region of Jharkhand was earlier part of the state of Bihar. It became an independent state on the 15th of November 2000. Jharkhand shares its border with the states of Bihar to the north, Uttar Pradesh and Chhattisgarh to the west, Orissa to the south ...