750,000 Meditate for Peace for the African Continent, 80 Countries Join Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Peace Campaign

28th May 2016

“I Meditate Africa” is a campaign, under the aegis of Art of Living in Africa, promoting peace across the continent, encouraging the use of meditation as part of mainstream peace building.

At a time when headlines across the continent are dominated by racism, violence, crime, corruption, misunderstanding and lack of human values, a focus on unity, harmony and peace building on a deeper level is the hour of the need of the continent.

The Art of Living had initiated this peace campaign back in 2013, which has grown exponentially to date. The foundation dedicates Africa month to peace building by taking meditation across the continent to educational institutes, corporates, police stations and even prisons in Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa. The month of May saw over 750,000 people meditate for peace for the continent.

The continent saw the culmination of the campaign happening on the 28th May, where founder of the Art of Living, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, guided 21 African countries, as well as the international community via webcast in a special Africa Peace meditation.

Luzira prison in Uganda saw 250 inmates join Sri Sri via the live link up for the peace campaign, with several on the ground events in South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya and Zimbabwe to mention a few. The campaign has touched the lives of over 1,350, 000 since 2013.

Under I Meditate Africa

2013: 10,000 Participants

23 African Countries | 31 African Cities | 54 International Countries

2014: 100 000 Participants

24 African Countries | 31 African Cities | 52 International Countries

2015: 500,000 Participants

25 African Countries | 34 African Cities | 53 International Countries