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  1. Testimonial_citypage2

    "After doing Sudarshan Kriya,I have noticed tremendous improvement in my sports activities. I am calmer, more patient and focussed now."  ...
  2. Testimonial_citypage

    “I have been doing Sudarshan Kriya for many years. With its regular practice, I can manage the daily life stress and anxiety much more effectively. Before every film, I make my entire crew go through this 3-day workshop.”  ...
  3. Know Your Child

    How can a parent communicate better with children and teenagers? The Art of Living offers short workshops that throw light on children and teens, their behavior and the issues that affect them. Learn simple ways to understand and respond to your children, ...
  4. Know Your Child

    How can a parent communicate better with children and teenagers? The Art of Living offers short workshops that throw light on children and teens, their behavior and the issues that affect them. Learn simple ways to understand and respond to your children, ...
  5. Know Your Teen

    The 'Know Your Teen' workshop addresses the issues that affect teenagers between 13-18 years and how parents and teachers can handle the same. Teenagers can be some of the most delightful people on the planet. Their creativity, dreams, and passi ...
  6. Know Your Child

    How can a parent communicate better with children and teenagers? The Art of Living offers short workshops that throw light on children and teens, their behavior and the issues that affect them. Learn simple ways to understand and respond to your children, ...
  7. Online happiness program

    Online Happiness Program Maximise Happiness, Health & Immunity Cut Down Stress, Depression, Anxiety! Register Now Online Happiness Program Maximise Happiness, Health & Immunity Cut Down Stress, Depression, Anxiety! Register Now HTML field:  Progra ...
  8. At the frontiers of the intellect

    Intuition is the right thought at the right time – Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Albert Einstein popularly said, "The only real valuable thing is intuition." Coming from a man of his stature, one can imagine how important it is to develop intuiti ...
  9. Online Medha Yoga Level 2

      Online Medha Yoga Level 2 Advance meditation program that helps teens overcome mental barriers Accessing our intuitive abilities means connecting with the inner self. Join The Art Of Living Intuition program and learn to perceive beyond your senses. Nam ...
  10. Online Utkarsha Yoga

    Better performance My interest in music has increased. My performance in sports & studies is better. Was so much fun!-Amay, 10, Vadodara Desktop right side Description:  LEARN SUDARSHAN KRIYA™, THE WORLD’S MOST POWERFUL BREATHING TECHNIQUE FOR CHILDRE ...