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  1. Dear Guruji, when the body is physically hurt then one dies and the spirit leaves the body. Is the spirit so loosely associated with the body? Can the spirit move without getting hurt?

    Spirit doesn’t get hurt. It moves on. You can’t hurt a space. You can’t hurt air. The subtler you go in creation; there is nothing that can hurt there. You can’t divide it. It’s simply amazing. ...
  2. Gurudev, a dear one dies and then again reincarnates but we continue to offer tarpanam in the name of that soul. In that case where does our offering go?

    In the ancient days people were very intuitive, they would know when their relative has reincarnated and then they would stop the offering. But we don’t know nowadays whether the soul has reincarnated or not. So continue giving tarpanam. There is no h ...
  3. When a person expires, the body merges with the earth. What do the other levels of existence merge with?

    The other levels of existence get together as an impression, as a balloon and remains with the spirit for some time. Then it looks for another body to into and be released from those impressions. ...
  4. Homage To Amma

    Guruji's mother, our beloved AMMA, left her physical body in a peaceful and meditative state at 1p.m. on Nov. 9th, 1999, in Bangalore, just as Guruji set foot in the holy city of Varanasi, precisely as HE had predicted a few days ago. For those prese ...
  5. Death and Spirituality

    Death brings you in touch with the reality of life. Death creates a vacuum, a void. Void is the fertile ground for the spirit to manifest. All talents, invention, creativity springs forth from the void, and creation has a tendency to return to the void. B ...
  6. Life is too short life is eternal

    The realization that life is very short brings dynamism in your life. Unwanted things will fall off as well as distractions. When you have to be acting or putting out effort, know that life is short. When you are expecting a result, then you are often fru ...
  7. Death quote5

    "Knowledge of death makes you immortal. It is even wrong to say that it makes you immortal." It makes you aware you are immortal anyways." ...
  8. Does the cycle of life and death never end?

    The whole world is like that. It’s all spherical: everything moves in cycles. You have to come back, but you have a choice. If you are born out of compulsion then it's the same old story again and again. But if you get liberated, then you have the choice a ...
  9. Guruji I work in a hospital where people are dying and I am hoping to bring this yoga there. I am facing a little difficulty in understanding what is the difference between the yoga of living and the yoga of dying?

    You must have heard by now yoga has eight limbs. I don’t know how much of pranayama and asanas(postures) you can make someone do when they are sick and dying. It may not be possible at all. Some good bhajans(uplifting music), soft and instrumental music wi ...
  10. There is so many violence and natural disasters happening in the world. Why does God let this all happen? If God exists then why does all this happen?

    You chop off some leaves and branches of plants. Don’t you prune rose plant? Does it die by pruning? It grows up. Same way nature brings all this from a bigger picture. It is not always ripe fruits that fall from a coconut tree. Sometimes even sma ...