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  1. What type of intellect do you have?

    This whole creation is made up of one energy. Everything is made up of just one thing. Whenever anything bothers you, come back to this one principle- there is only one energy which everything is made up of. There are a lot of possibilities. This kind of ...
  2. What happens to our consciousness that just by entering the ashram we feel happy and light?

    Yes, the vibrations of the place does affect the mind. That is why, ashrams are there and temples of knowledge are there for you to meditate and soak in the atmosphere. Whatever is happening, that energy gets absorbed by the trees, stones and ev ...
  3. I recently read a book ‘Many lives many masters’. It is a story of a patient who through hypnosis is taken to her past 89 lives. Also secrets are revealed of different stages of the soul in the book. Would you like to throw some light on the stages of the souls?

    Don’t get into all that. Our consciousness is infinite and eternal, you never know how many impressions we have of how many life times. If you want, you can do the eternity process. You don’t have to go beyond 5 to 7 lifetimes, rest all are ...
  4. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna, "Know the whole world is just a play of consciousness and don't be upset about it". If the creation is just a play of Gunas, how can I not get affected by it?

    Read the whole Bhagavad Gita! The whole knowledge is that you are not that which is affected. You are much bigger than that. See, have you not experienced, sometimes your leg is paining but your mind is not affected by it, your mind is happy? How many o ...
  5. In the Rig Veda, the Agni Suktam says that 'Agni should lead us to the wisdom'. What does this mean?

    Agni mean that consciousness, that energy that envelopes the whole universe -- that consciousness of which you are made up of, of which everything is made of. Many times people say 'The fire in the spirit'. This fire is not a mortal fire, your l ...
  6. What is Brahmacharya? How can I follow Brahmacharya when there are so many distractions around?

    'Brahma' means infinity. 'Charya' means moving in infinity. That means the state of mind that is focused on the whole (infinity) -- in such a mind there is no possessiveness, there is no lust, there is no greed; none of the ...
  7. How can you tell that your consciousness is starting to get elevated?

    It's very simple, very easy. You feel more centered, and you feel a sense of belongingness with everybody. You have enormous patience, and you take criticism in the right spirit. ...
  8. How can you tell that your consciousness is starting to get elevated?

    It's very simple, very easy. You feel more centered, and you feel a sense of belongingness with everybody. You have enormous patience, and you take criticism in the right spirit. ...
  9. Gurudev, what is the meaning of “Sri”? Is only money referred to as “Sri” (a prefix referring to all kinds of abundance and affluence)?

    No. “Sri” has various meanings. “Sri” can mean this creation, or knowledge, wealth, etc. All this is contained in the meaning of the prefix “Sri”. Everything that is manifest is “Sri”. The glory of the unm ...
  10. Does everyone have to find his calling and how to do it?

    You have already done it. Your calling has come and that is why you are here at The Art of Living. The Art of Living is nothing but a collective calling of many to uplift the world consciousness. Everyone getting together to make the world a bett ...