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  1. Gurudev, please tell me, what is my role in this life with respect to you? I want to do just that and not yearn for some role which you have not assigned to me.

    See what you can do. Make a list of all that you can do and I tell you, you can do more than what you write down. So first make your own list. ...
  2. Gurudev, who is a Yogi?

    One who is not a Bhogi. One who is not always harping on things outside. A Yogi is one who is resting in the being; uniting with the self. One who is equanimous come what may. When pleasant things come a yogi does not get too excited and jump to the ...
  3. Jai Gurudev Guruji, since I have come to the Art of Living there is one question that is troubling my mind, ‘who am I’?

    This is a very good thing. You are fortunate that this question is troubling you. Now have a little patience. Keep asking yourself, ‘who am I’ and do seva. ...
  4. Gurudev, how to connect to the source?

    Don’t see the source as something far away and try to connect to the source. Just relax! Whenever you relax you are the Source. In the spiritual plane only relaxation, doing nothing connects you to the Source. Mind and body works on completely differ ...
  5. Commitment and Convenience

    A commitment can only be felt when it oversteps convenience. That which is convenient, you do not call commitment. If you just go on your convenience, your commitment falls apart causing more inconvenience! If you keep dropping your commitment because it ...
  6. Seekers Beware

    You can only seek that which you know and when you really know, you already have it. You cannot seek something which you do not know. And what ever you are seeking and where ever you seek it? always only One; and the One is what you already are. And so-- ...
  7. Six Signs Of A Seeker

    Acknowledging that one knows very little Many people think they know, without knowing or they get stuck in their limited knowledge. So they never learn. So the first thing is to acknowledge that one knows very little. Willingness to know Many people ackno ...
  8. Sometimes the best things happen when nature takes its course. At what point, when should people stop trying, giving, doing harder to achieve something and just let nature take its course?

    When you do your 100 percent, when you feel that you cannot do any more. That is exactly when you should meditate, instead of getting frustrated. You have put your 100 percent. When exactly do you know that you have had enough food? Do you know? When ex ...
  9. Can you talk about certain rituals performed while doing pooja?

    There are some rituals which you can fathom with your intellect, yet some others are so intuitively profound that you can only merge in them and enjoy. On a very gross level, Pooja is imitation of what Divine or Nature is doing to us. Divine off ...