Celebration in Art of Living International Center

Reflect and acknowledge the wisdom that your life has offered you. This Guru Purnima, honor that wisdom that has blossomed within and be grateful for it! When you realise how much transformation this wisdom has brought, you are in gratitude for everything that life has offered you. Celebration in gratitude is Guru Purnima.

How does this wisdom dawn? It is there within each of us but is waiting to be lit up. When we throw light on our lives, the wisdom dawns.

Guru Purnima could be any day! Any day that you honor the inner wisdom that life has bestowed.

Guru Purnima is to celebrate and honor the source of wisdom.

In life we come across the opportunity to learn many things, to discriminate between right and wrong, real and unreal. How do you develop the sense to choose right over wrong? Nobody has to show you this. An innate, intuitive sense within you shows you what is right! An inner voice stops you and reminds you what is wrong. Honor this voice! Honoring this inner wisdom, reflecting on all the knowledge that has blossomed within you, that is honoring the Guru Principle. So the source, the Guru, is right here, within you!

Special Programs

10 Days Part II

30th June - 9th July 2017

7 Days Part II

3rd July - 9th July 2017

Part II

6th July - 9th July 2017