
Search results

  1. How meditation can be made into a practice?

    Are you a woman who really enjoys the experience of meditation finds it difficult to incorporate into your daily routine? Maybe you’re juggling work with raising kids, or perhaps you have young children who are very demanding. If you’re a homemaker, perha ...
  2. Gift Ideas for Meditator Friend

    Want to buy a gift for your meditator friend and at a loss for ideas? Here are some suggestions that may help. They range in price from a small investment to a major commitment. All too often the gifts we give or receive end up not being particularly sign ...
  3. Why Have a Meditator Life Partner?

    Looking for and finding a life partner is like getting ready for an adventure of a lifetime and not always knowing where it may lead. But three things can help – compassion as a guide map, meditation as a compass, and love as a light to show the way. In t ...
  4. How To Enjoy This Winter Season More?

    In the stillness of winter, meditate to rediscover the power of inner stillness Winter is the time to get cosy and celebrate with your family, whether it is Christmas, New Year, or just a family get together. But sometimes, small things like a sore throat ...
  5. Overcome Obstacles in Meditation

    #1 Drop Desires and Planning #1 Drop Desires and Planning #2 Overcome Boredom #2 Overcome Boredom #3 Quite the Chattering Mind #3 Quite the Chattering Mind #4 Find Out Your Reason for Being Restless #4 Find Out Your Reason for Being Restless #5 Clear All ...
  6. Free Online Meditation

    Transforming Emotions Meditation: Your feelings keep changing. Sometimes you feel bad; but the bad feeling doesn't stay with you forever. It changes and you start feeling good once again; the good and bad feelings come like waves. Transform your emot ...
  7. Getting In Touch With My Inner Guru

    Sarina Mahboobani, works as a content coordinator for a website in India. Although she has been a regular meditator since 5 years, it was only until her uncle asked why does she meditate, she was left wondering what how meditation has changed her life so ...
  8. Grooming The Student-Teacher Relationship

    The relationship between a teacher and a student is very delicate, sweet, and special. It is like someone helping a bud blossom into a flower. In this process, one needs to be careful and allow the bud to blossom at its own pace. The teacher like a garden ...
  9. Uniting Africa through Peace Meditation (Part-2)

    This is continued from the previous article on   Uniting Africa through Peace Meditation (Part-1) Q: A three-year plan sounds great. Could you speak a little about this long-term plan? Vanishree: 'i Meditate Africa' is a free campaign, so we are ...
  10. Uniting Africa through Peace Meditation (Part-1)

    A dynamic Art of Living teacher who has spent the last 15 years teaching the Art of Living courses in South Africa, as well as a stalwart teacher, travelling and setting up Art of Living centers in different parts of Africa. This same dynamic teacher has ...