
Rural Development


The 5H program of the Art of Living aims that every village /rural area in the country has Homes for the Homeless, Healthcare, Hygiene, Human Values and Harmony in diversity. The main thrust of the program is eradication of poverty, misery, diseases and ensuring peace and harmony in rural areas. The youth from these areas are trained under the Youth Leadership Training Program (YLTP). The YLTP program combines spirituality as well as leadership training and gives young people the skills, motivation and ability to initiate and lead service projects in their own villages based on local needs.

The 5H program clearly aims to bring about social as well as economic self reliance for both individuals and communities at the grassroots and ensure that the effects achieved through the program are long-term and sustainable.

Achievements of the 5H program:

  • Reached 40,212 villages
  • Trained 203,220 rural youth in YLTP
  • Conducted 165,000 free stress-relief workshops benefiting more than 5,688,000 people
  • Conducted 52,466 hygiene camps and 27,427 medical camps benefitting ​577,400 people
  • Planted 10.6 million trees
  • 3819 homes, 13,965 toilets, 1199 bore-wells and 904 bio-gas plants built
  • 55 model villages developed benefiting 115,000 people
  • Trained over 20,00,000 farmers in organic farming