A New Beginning

Wed, 12/12/2012

Bangalore, India

When an individual does meditation, it is called Tapasya (focused effort leading towards bodily purification and spiritual enlightenment). But when everyone joins together from all over the world and does meditation it is called a Yagna and it is even more special because we create a field of sattva and a field of harmony which is most needed in the world today.
So, this is very beautiful and very sacred for a new beginning.

Every moment is a new beginning. You wake up and say, 'This is a new beginning!' That is it! There is no 'How', that is how it is.

What we should remember is that, we are ancient and yet we are new.
Look at the sun, it is old, isn't it?! Yet it is so fresh today! The rays are so fresh, the air is so fresh, the trees are fresh - old tree fresh leaves! So, you are also - FRESH! This is how you should live - I am ancient and new; ageless and timeless!
So feel very fresh and new, and you will see how the complaints and regrets simply evaporate. Acceptance dawns from within, dynamism dawns in life and harmony at every level starts happening.

In life you need three things, Compassion, Passion and Dispassion.
When you are miserable, be dispassionate. When you are happy, be passionate. You should have some passion in life. And passion to do service is the most wonderful thing that one should aspire for.
So, be passionate to serve when you are happy. Have dispassion when you are miserable, and be compassionate all the time!

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