Volunteer for a Better India : Pledge your support

Take the pledge to Volunteer for a Better India and sign up now!

1. We will remove ignorance and bring about 100% literacy.

2. We will stand up against corruption. We will neither take bribes nor give bribes.

3. We will honour women and not allow female foeticide.

4. Poverty in our country is because of addictions. We will wipe out addictions to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.

5. We will stand up against any religious and social injustice.

6. We will care for the environment and switch to chemical free farming to keep the future generations disease-free.

7. We promise to care and share and together build a violence-free, stress-free India!

8. I understand its my sacred duty to vote & I will definitely vote.

Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.Read More