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  1. Building a House of Dreams

    When 38-year-old Surya Murthy speaks, you listen. And wonder. Wonder at the indomitable spirit of a human being who can stand in the face of a tsunami—a calamity—literally. "When the Tsunami came on December 25, 2004, it took everything from us. I wa ...
  2. Re-Kindling Hope in Uttarakhand

    While death and destruction continue to hound the dark alleys of Uttarakhand, six young women dynamos of the Art of Living Foundation risked their own lives to bring about an awe-inspiring transformation in the scattered lives of several ill-fated women r ...
  3. Calgary Flood Relief Efforts

    Thousands of people were evacuated, displaced, homes were flooded, emotions were stirred up, sleep patterns were imbalanced and stress overtook the entire city when the Bow and Elbow flooded on June 21st. The Art of Living Foundation, responded immediatel ...
  4. Breathing for relaxation

    Christchurch "refugee" Maggie Murray couldn't breathe properly for eight months following the September 4 earthquake in 2010. "You live in Christchurch walking around almost holding your breath," Maggie says. "In my mind I was OK with these earthquakes, 'I ...
  5. Disaster relief- Testimonial13

    "Tsunami- Village Leader:I have been the village counselor for past three years. I had been the village committee chairman for five years. Guruji came here and found us helpless. Construction started immediately. 94 houses were built in this village. ...
  6. Villa La Angostura

    Art of Living volunteers help to rebuilt and clean Villa La Angostura, the town burried in ashes Since the Puyehue vulcano, located in the Chilean slope of the Andes mountain range in southern tip of Latin America, erupted last year, destroying forests an ...
  7. Rampenbestrijding- aanpak

    Aanpak Met haar wereldwijde netwerk van vrijwilligers kan Art of Living in geval van een ramp overal ter wereld onmiddellijke materiële en mentale hulp bieden. Door dit netwerk is Art of Living, samen met haar zusterorganisaties de International Associati ...
  8. Hulp na de aardbeving op Haïti

    Aardbeving op Haïti De aardbeving van 2010 schokt een samenleving die toch al lijdde onder instabiliteit en armoede. Volgens een schatting van het Rode Kruis waren zo'n drie miljoen mensen door de beving getroffen, die honderden levens kostte, velen ...
  9. Hulp na de overstroming in Mumbai

    Mumbai, India (Juli 2005) Kort na de overstromingen in juli 2005 waren vrijwilligers aanwezig in de zwaarst getroffen sloppenwijken van Agripada, Dharavi en Kalwa, ondanks de meer dan 1,5 meter hoge waterstand. Zij verdeelden grote hoeveelheden voedselpak ...
  10. Hulp na de overstroming in Surat

    Surat, India (August 2006) In augustus 2006 troffen zware overstromingen de stad Surat in Gujarat, die aan honderden mensen het leven kostten en de bezittingen van duizenden mensen vernielden. In sommige delen van de stad bereikte het water een niveau van ...