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  1. Constructing toilets to combat open defecation

    A software engineer constructing toilets in the villages of Andhra Pradesh is a rare sight. This is precisely what you will find Sudhakar Veeravalli doing. Armed with a Master's Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Texas, Sudhakar qu ...
  2. Opening doors of opportunity

    The Sri Sri Rural Development program has set up training institutes in Solan, Himachal Pradesh, with the idea of channelizing the energy of the youth in a productive direction as a step toward rooting out substance abuse. Beginning with the Sri Sri Compu ...
  3. Gezondheid

    De uitdaging Een goede gezondheid is een eerste stap naar een gelukkig leven dat vervulling schenkt. Toch heeft een groot deel van de wereld bevolking geen toegang tot goede voeding en medische en tandheelkundige verzorging, noch tot de meest basale kenni ...
  4. Medicine: Not an Obligation for Good Health!

    Across the globe, there are ubiquitous chemists that sell out medicines to make sure you are free of headache, stomach-ache, body pain, etc. Do you believe your self-regulatory body needs the human touch of medication to remain healthy? How about spending ...
  5. An unusual passion for natural farming promises to turn around the lives of farmers

    “I wish no Indian household had to eat poison and urea. It is a heinous crime to play with human life,” says Yogita Sharan Singh. She is an MA in Economics, a journalist-turned-editor of a newspaper in Bhopal, India. A young blood from the state of Chatti ...
  6. Kathewadi: An ideal village from another time

    Sangeeta Anand visits Kathewadi village in Maharashtra's Nanded district to see an amazing transformation. We are finally in view of Kathewadi, a tiny village in the back of the beyond in Nanded district in Maharashtra. It's been a six-hour jour ...
  7. Organic farming

    SDqHvNkBN50 Social:  ...
  8. Organic Farming goes viral in Maharashtra!

    The feeling when you are rescued Essays, exams, speeches and debates on the great Indian agriculture formed a common part of our school curriculum. Some would reflect pride over the vast lush green fields that Punjab possesses and quote figures of wheat p ...
  9. Hands Up for Kids in Nairobi

    Het begon allemaal in 2009. De Nederlandse Art of Living teacher Monika Fauth, die al jaren in Lamu (Kenia) woont, organiseerde toen de 'Art of Living Stand Up and Take Action' om de Millenniumdoelen te ondersteunen. Geïnspireerd door het succes ...
  10. Hulp aan leprapatiënten in Singapore

    Hulp aan ex-leprapatiënten in Singapore Door de leefruimte van de patiënten te betreden heeft Art of Living het leven veranderd van 44 inwoners van het SILRA tehuis. Sinds juli 2007 nemen vrijwilligers van Art of Living regelmatig deel aan de steeds uitge ...