Yoga, Breathing Techniques and Meditation for Everyone

We offer the following customized program which you can learn online with us.

Follow the videos in sequence to learn a program that helps the body, breath and mind through a series of yoga postures, followed by a series of breathing exercises, followed by guided meditation:

Yoga Poses

Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) is yoga's most popular sequence. This set of 12 poses provides a good cardiovascular workout and help keep the body strong, and the mind calm and healthy.

Breathing Exercises

Practice these two breathing exercises in sequence, each one taking you deeper into relaxation, releasing
stresses while increasing energy and focus.

Bellows Breath (Bhastrika)

Sometimes called "yogic coffee", bhastrika gives a quick boost of energy, without the "jitters".
If you are pregnant, have glaucoma, high blood pressure that is not controlled by medication, or have had
major surgery in the past 12 weeks, you should skip this one and go directly to the alternate nostril breathing.


Alternate nostril breathing (Nadi Shodhan)

Helps balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain and helps balance the nervous system, and calm the mind.

Guided Meditation

After your breathing exercises, you may complete your practice with one of these two guided meditations, led by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.


Transforming Emotions


Sound to Silence


It is sufficient to meditate once or twice daily to obtain relaxation. If you want to vary up your meditations, you can order a meditation CD in the Art of Living Bookstores.