11 Jan 2012 - QA 20

Guruji, those who have found their guru in this birth, if for any reason they are unable to attain mukti, are they able to find their guru in the next life time or do they have to wander aimlessly?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: No, no! Arjun asked this very same question, 'What if I am unable to walk this path of yoga in this lifetime?'
So Krishna answered, ‘Nahi Kalyana Krit Kaschit Durgatim Taata Gachchati’ - One who performs noble acts will never go down, will never be miserable in this world or the next.
You will always ascend to higher planes of existence. You will be born in a noble or wealthy household, and on account of the memory of your past deeds, you will resume from where you had left off. So do not worry. Your Kriya and sadhana will never go to waste.