19 Nov 2011 - QA 6

Guruji what commitments are required to continue our practice such as seva, satsang and sadhana. How can we stay more committed?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Just let it become your nature. If something is your nature, you do not need commitment. You need commitment when it is not your nature and when you want to cultivate it.
Know that it is your nature to come and sit in satsang. In the morning as soon as you wake up do some bhastrika and meditate; make it your nature.
Once you think it is your nature then you will continue to do it. Then you cannot be without it.

That is what happens when habits become so strong. One thinks it is in their nature, in their blood. One does not think it is a commitment to smoke cigarettes, but they think it is in their blood; their body needs it to survive.
So I want you to feel sadhana as your very nature, as part of you.