What Sri Sri Said:

Mon, 06/04/2009 Turkey

‘Meditation is the journey to the big mind’

Sydney, Australia, April 5: Participants of the Health & Happiness workshop did more than breathe in and out and stretch their bodies to postures from the Sukshma vyayam. Amidst the stress-relieving breath techniques, Gurudev spoke on various subjects: “Prayers arise when you feel helpless – or you can say it is the small mind praying to the big mind. Meditation is the journey to the big mind. Are you getting what I am saying? God is not outside. God is love and you are made up of love.”

A few words from Gurudev and the floor was open to different queries from the audience.

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  • 7 Pasos para Lidiar con la Frustración

    April 20, 2018
    • En la vida
    • tendrás 101 razones para frustrarte. Sin embargo
    • depende de vos mantener vivo el entusiasmo sin permitir que la frustración se filtre. Estos son algunos consejos para ayudarte