28 Apr 2012 - QA 2

How can we clear our bad karma? I feel so much self-judgment? How can I learn to love myself?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita that you cannot get rid of your karma. I will do that for you.
You just do your work and don't worry about your bad karma. That is what a Guru is there for. Don't worry about your cleansing or your own bad karma of the past. It will automatically go when you live in knowledge, when you are in Satsang, when you meditate and when you do Sudarshan Kriya.
Why do you do all these things? All these can erase your bad karma. What is bad karma? It is the bad impressions in your mind; in the consciousness. If you still feel something, you can say, ‘Guruji, I give these botherations to you, please take care of it.’ And it will all just go, okay!