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  1. Gurudev, in the Ashtada Prakruti (referring to the eight materialistic forms of the Lord’s divine energies – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space, Mind, Intellect, Ego), the ego has been counted among one of them, but not the Chitta (memory). Why is this so?

    You can count it in then! Different rishis have elaborated different principles and ways of understanding the various levels of existence. You can see the mind, intellect and the ego as the three extensions of memory. These are simply four different f ...
  2. Dear Gurudev, can you please explain the Eternity Process, and its benefits to us?

    Eternity process is just taking your memory backward, realizing and re-living the impressions there, and relieving them. ...
  3. Gurudev, whatever is worth remembering, I forget, and whatever is useless, not worth remembering, my memory always remembers that.

    At least, you understood this. Many people don’t even understand this. Give a pat on your back. Say you have taken first step in the right direction. And it will change. Just a little effort and done. When you analyze the past, you should always come to th ...