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  1. I have come here far from our home to study, but I feel lonely. I have friends. Still, I feel something is missing. What should I do?

    You have asked the right question. How many of you feel lonely here? Raise your hands. (Many in the audience raise their hands). So many of you are feeling lonely? Then, you definitely must do the Happiness Program. Meditate and work towards elim ...
  2. Gurudev, I feel that emotions overpower the intellect. Knowledge is only at the level of intellect, so can I assume that knowledge cannot help when my emotions are overpowering me?

    Knowledge does help you. If you are just flowing with emotions alone, you will be an emotional wreck. But time to time, it is knowledge which steps in and reigns in the emotions. May not be all the time, but most of the time it does. Many times you get ...
  3. Dear Gurudev, whenever I want to do some important work, or study, my mood comes in my way. I’m completely dependent on my mood for most of my actions. How to get rid of moods?

    First, the realization itself makes it half done. Now you have realized it’s the mood which sways you, that means the intellect is waking up. It says, ‘Come on, I’m not going to be so moody.’ You take that determi ...
  4. Gurudev, why do we fear loneliness? Why do we always long for someone’s company?

    You feel this way because you have never gone deep into your inner Self. You have not met your Self. The moment you become aware and realize your inner true Self, I tell you, all fears and negativity simply disappear. How can one meet one’s ...
  5. Gurudev, I am living in a phase in which I am allowing my emotions to take over me, and I am aware of this. Otherwise, I feel they get suppressed. Am I on the right path?

    Emotions are such that sometimes you should abstain from them, and sometimes you should express them. You can’t take extreme views here. You cannot always suppress your emotion and you cannot always keep expressing your emotion. Both will bring ...
  6. You spoke about controlling emotions. Is it not better just to live with them?

    No, if emotions control you, you are a mess. You can express your emotions, I am not saying that you should suppress them. There are two different things; one is suppressing the emotions and another is being a victim of your own emotions. ...
  7. How does I control my emotions?

    Through the breath; the breath is the link between the environment, the body and emotions. If you learn some of the breathing techniques, i.e., pranayama, kriya, they will help you control your emotions. ...
  8. During meditation I am able to observe my breath patterns and the sensations in my body, and how it relates to feelings and thoughts. Yet, in the waking state, that power of observation diminishes. I get lost in the emotional experience. How can I stay more in the present?

    You can't directly handle emotions. You need to attend to the source of it. To harness an emotion, you need to attend the source of emotion. It's not that today you attain calmness and then you try to maintain it all the time. Don't do that. ...
  9. If appreciating a work of art or literature is emotional, i.e., it moves a person, then isn’t it more emotional than cerebral?

    Literature cannot be emotional only. If it is only mushy-mushy, then people will not like to read it. Reading is an intellectual job, it can’t be too dry, like reading a technical book, then it will be very boring. Literature should be a combination of a l ...
  10. Dear Gurudev, whenever I want to do some important work, or study, my mood comes in my way. I’m completely dependent on my mood for most of my actions. How to get rid of moods?

    First, the realization itself makes it half done. Now you have realized it’s the mood which sways you, that means the intellect is waking up. It says, ‘Come on, I’m not going to be so moody.’ You take that determination. The ...