Wisdom Search

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  1. Gurudev, what is the relation between God and Truth? And what should be the relationship between a master and a disciple?

    God is not somebody sitting in the heaven trying to give you a little finger which you want to go and catch, but he flies away. No! God is not some man or woman or somebody sitting somewhere. God is the summum bonum of the whole creation.< ...
  2. Why has Indian mythology given forms to all energies. Are all the mythological stories true? How can Rishis lose control and curse if they are enlightened?

    The universe is full of names and forms. The moment you give a name, form also comes with it. And many of these forms were cognized in the subtle. So they continue in the subtle realm. Now, why did the Rishis (Seers) get angry and c ...
  3. Was Prophet Muhammad a Nirguna Upasaka (follower of the formless)? If yes, then why was Vigraha Aradhana (idol worship) introduced?

    Everybody should progress from Saguna Upasana to Nirguna Upasana, i.e., the worship of the Divine as a form to the worship of the Divine as formless. The Kaaba stone is also worshipped, isn’t it? That is just like Saguna ...
  4. As Buddha attained enlightenment he must have experienced what other masters experienced, yet he never spoke about God. Because of this some people even say that he was an atheist. Can you talk about this?

    Well, in Buddha’s time there were many concepts of God. Many people had read all the Upanishad. You should remember all of Buddha’s followers were high intellectuals in contrast to the followers of Jesus; they were all fishermen; simple ...