Wisdom Search

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  1. Gurudev, I want to have purity in my heart, and clarity in my mind. I want to be a good human being. How to get rid of deep rooted self-centeredness?

    You are a good person otherwise you wouldn’t have even asked this question. Know that you have all the good qualities in you. You don’t have to make an effort to bring out the good qualities. Simply assume that you have them.Don’ ...
  2. Gurudev, what actually is prayaschit? How can one become free of one’s sins? Can one ever become free of guilt, or is one doomed to live with that?

    ‘Prayas’ means getting back to the original state; ‘chitta’ means consciousness.We were all born innocent. How is the mind when you are a baby? Fresh, alive, innocent. Prayaschitta means, that act which t ...
  3. How to combine our inner journey and the outer world events?

    Inner journey and outer world events are complementary. If you are happy inside, you are able to work dynamically outside. The more dynamic you are, deeper and better is the rest and meditation. When you meditate the joy increases. Peo ...
  4. My dear Gurudev, whenever I look into my heart I find you there. You have hooked me, booked me and cooked me. Please tell me what dish you are trying to make out of me.

    Listen! You are wonderful, you are so complete and that is how you could feel that intense emotion. One who does not have the bhaav (intense feeling) cannot even enjoy the bliss, and cannot enjoy peace. If someone is stuck in the intellect, the ...