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  1. Gurudev, is there an expiry date or best before use date for blessings as well? Sometimes blessings don’t seem to yield the desired result, what is the reason?

    I want to ask you a question; do gold and diamond have expiry dates? Do you think blessings are less than gold and diamond and yellow stones and metal? No way! ...
  2. Gurudev, can you please explain to us about how does blessing work?

    Blessing is nothing but positive energy which flows from a clear heart. ...
  3. Dear Gurudev, on what basis do you reward your devotees? Because I think I do not deserve even ten percent of what I have got. Is there a calculation mistake on your side?

    I do not calculate. Why bother to calculate? I am relaxed. You also better relax. It is good when we feel that we have gotten more than what we are worthy of. This makes us more humble. It takes away demand from our head because demand destroys lov ...
  4. Dear Gurudev, what can I do to increase my capacity to take your blessings? How can I make my cup bigger?

    In the Advanced Course you all have heard of the Shatt Sampatti (Six wealths, or six-fold virtues) • Sama (calmness or quietude of mind) • Dama (self-control or restraint of the senses)  • Uparati
  5. Dear Gurudev, what can I do to increase my capacity to take your blessings? How can I make my cup bigger?

    In the Advanced Course you all have heard of the Shatt Sampatti (Six wealths, or six-fold virtues) •Sama(calmness or quietude of mind) •Dama(self-control or restraint of the senses)  •Uparati(sa ...