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  1. Gurudev, what is the relationship between free will and doer-ship?

    Doer-ship and freewill is connected. Doer-ship is when that ‘I’ is very strong, ‘I want to do it’ or ‘I do it’. The ego is very strong. So when you asserting your free will attach yourself to the achievements you have done, then you will find that your wil ...
  2. Could you speak on Yogamaya?

    Yogamaya is intuition clubbed with delusion. From inside as you proceed in the path of yoga, the more meditations you do, sometimes you get these visions and these visions would be 90% correct. Then you start believing in your own visions and then they all ...
  3. Gurudev, you have said that meditation helps our ancestors. When we start mediating the first thing we do is we pay off a debt for our ancestors or give them something. Can you explain this a little further?

    Yes, see like your DNA, your body is connected to your parents or to your very close friends. Haven’t you experienced this? Someone very close to you has some problem and you start feeling it in your body. How many have experienced this? So, on the physica ...
  4. Gurudev, what is the significance of Devi Puja?

    It was good no? Devi Puja is so nice. See the corn is hard, but when you put it in the popping machine with a little butter and little salt, what happens? The corn pops up and becomes popcorn, fluffy and very nice. Similarly within everyone, every individu ...
  5. Dearest Guruji, can you please speak a little on Kundalini Shakti?

    Kundalini simply means the energy in your body. Unless it is awakened there is no life. And in the very first kriya you do it is already awakened. It doesn’t have to be dramatic. There are three types of kundalini shaktis, one is sattvic. The most harmoni ...
  6. Change is permanent in life. Does the knowledge in the Bhagavad Gita change as per the changing times?

    Bhagavad Gita has all the topics. We have to understand that. It has knowledge as per the time. ...
  7. Beloved Guruji, could you say something about the meaning of Punarnava?

    "Nava" means new, "Puna" means again. Making something new again, that is "Punarnava", bringing new life, infusing newness. ...
  8. In the (Mahabharata) war field, Krishna showed Arjuna his Vishwa roopa. When will you show your vishwa roopa?

    The conch has not yet been blown for start of war! Krishna showed the Vishwa roopa only to Arjuna. First you become Arjuna. How to become like Arjun? What is Arjuna? To prayerfully request for knowledge and to progress is Arjuna. ...
  9. Everyone should aim at enlightenment, ‘I just want total freedom’

    Guruji earlier you said that the casual body has to wait for the divine will to get liberated. Does the presence of a Satguru in one’s life take care of that? You are the divine for me. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: You know always like the physical, the subtle an ...
  10. Dearest Guruji, can you please speak a little on Kundalini Shakti?

    Kundalini simply means the energy in your body. Unless it is awakened there is no life. And in the very first kriya you do it is already awakened. It doesn’t have to be dramatic. There are three types of kundalini shaktis, one is sattvic. The most harmoni ...