Wisdom Search

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  1. Doubt And Closeness

    Doubt cannot come where there is a sense of closeness. Doubt needs a distance to appear. You never doubt something that is dear to you, close to you. The moment you doubt, it is no longer dear to you; a distance has come. You may doubt yourself, but you d ...
  2. A Prayer

    Give me not thirst if you cannot give me water. Give me not hunger if you cannot give me food. Give me not joy if I cannot share. Give me not the skills if I cannot put them to good use. Give me not intelligence if I cannot perceive beyond it. Give me not ...
  3. Blessing

    Make your home God's home and there will be light, love and abundance. Make your body God's abode and there will be peace and bliss. Feel your mind as a toy of God and you'll watch and enjoy all its games. See this world as play and as a di ...
  4. Shortcut!

    If you think you are stupid Then...... you know who you are. And if you know who you are...... You are enlightened! And if you are enlightened, Then......you are certainly not stupid. If you think you are intelligent, Then you don't know who you are. ...
  5. Guru Is The Goal

    Guru is nothing but wisdom and love. Guru is that principle which is wisdom and love, and that is awakened in each one who has stepped onto the path. You also call that person a Guru in whom there is no gap between life and wisdom and love. Often one reco ...
  6. Spirituality And Celebration

    Celebration is the nature of the spirit. Any celebration has to be spiritual. A celebration without spirituality does not have any depth. And silence gives the depth to celebration. Some people think being silent is spirituality. E.g. Many meditators feel ...
  7. Homage To Amma

    Guruji's mother, our beloved AMMA, left her physical body in a peaceful and meditative state at 1p.m. on Nov. 9th, 1999, in Bangalore, just as Guruji set foot in the holy city of Varanasi, precisely as HE had predicted a few days ago. For those prese ...
  8. The Five Secrets

    There are five secrets which are sacred and are guarded by the subtle beings and angels in this creation. They are: Jananarahasya (the secret of birth): Birth is a secret. How a soul takes a body, the criteria for selecting the place of birth, time of bir ...
  9. The Wisdom Of Secrets

    A wise person makes no effort to conceal a secret. But he does not make an effort to reveal a secret either. For example, you do not talk about menstruation, death, etc. to a five-year-old, but as they grow older these things are not hidden from them any ...
  10. Being with the Guru

    People have various reasons to be with a Guru. Broadly they can be put in these 5 catagories. You would like to have your wishes fulfilled and because it is more pleasurable. Everything else looks more painful to you and you come for comfort. You want to ...