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  1. Stay Young with Anti-Aging Yoga

    The next time you are watching your favorite soap opera, pay close attention to the commercials and you’ll find a pattern emerge – 1 out of every 3 commercials is of a cosmetic product. Surprised? Tips to Stay Young Drink at least 6 liters of water to flu ...
  2. 5 Yoga Poses to Fight Swine Flu

    With Swine Flu spreading like wildfire, the panic amongst people has been on the rise too. To prevent this deadly virus from bringing you down on your knees, it’s important to take the arm yourself with necessary precautions. While medicines and vaccines ...
  3. Yoga – The Natural Immunity Booster

    As the seasons change, the chances of falling sick rise sharply. It’s difficult for our body to keep the pathogens at bay when the immunity levels are down and people around us are sneezing and coughing. Though we cannot shun from being in contact with th ...
  4. Understand How Vertigo can be Treated with Yoga

    What is Vertigo? Vertigo is a type of symptom of dizziness characterized by a sensation of spinning and mis-balance due to a disturbance in the sense of balance and equilibrium in the brain. It affects the inner ear, the area that monitors the directions ...
  5. Lose Weight with Yoga

    Often we blame our genes for us being on the wrong side of the scale. Don't we? But try giving it a second thought and you see will see that there is a lot in our hands. This article gives you an insight to weight loss with yoga and for those who are ...
  6. Relieve yourself from Irritable Bowel Syndrome with yoga

    The Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a physical disorder that causes abdominal pain, discomfort, nausea, flatulence and bloating. If you are suffering from this gastrointestinal tract disorder, abnormal erratic bowel movements are common. So, you are lik ...
  7. Yoga to Relieve Constipation

    Yet another day and I truly hope it's different. No more frequent stomach pain, no more difficulty in bowel movement, no more headaches throughout the day, could this really be possible? I mean, it's just getting so annoying, this whole feeling ...
  8. Combating Cold with Yoga

    The most common phenomenon of any seasonal change are the diseases it brings with itself. As we move from summer to monsoons to winter, a lot of people keep battling with flu and common cold. By default, our body's immunity system tries to get rid of ...
  9. 20 Yoga Asanas for a Healthy Heart

    Yoga is the art of reposing in different postures, while focussing on breathing. As a result, every   yoga posture has a particular effect on the respiratory system and therefore, affects the heart as well. There are specific asanas in yoga for heart prob ...
  10. Yoga Keeps Your Heart healthy

    For more than a decade now, every 29th of September has been celebrated as ‘World Heart Day’ to raise awareness against heart related diseases. However, the latest survey conducted by a private company with a sample size of more than 1,12,000 over urban c ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More