
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar è Leader umanitario, Maestro Spirituale e Ambassadore di pace.

La Sua visione di una società libera di stress e violenza ha unito milioni di persone in tutto il mondo attraverso progetti di servizio e corsi offerti da Art of Living.

The beginnings

Born in 1956 in South India, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar was a child prodigy. At the age of 4, he was able to recite parts of the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient script in Sanskrit and was often found in deep meditation. Gurudev's first teacher was Sudhakar Chaturvedi, who had also been Mahatma Gandhi's teacher. At the age of 17 in 1973, Gurudev graduated in Vedic Literature and Physics.


Art of Living and the International Association of Human Values ​​(IAHV) 

Gurudev founded Art of Living as an international, non-profit, educational and humanitarian organization. Educational and personal growth programs offer powerful techniques to eliminate stress and create a sense of well-being. Not intended only for a specific audience, these practices have proven benefits at all levels of society. Art of Living courses are offered in over 180 countries. In 1997, Gurudev co-founded the International Association of Human Values ​​(IAHV), which in association coordinates sustainable development projects, nurtures human values ​​and initiates conflict resolution.


Inspiring Service and Globalizing Wisdom 

A well-known humanitarian leader, Gurudev programs have provided assistance to people from a wide range of backgrounds - victims of natural disasters, survivors of terrorist attacks and war, children from marginalized populations and communities in conflict. The strength of his message has inspired a wave of spirituality-based service through a huge body of volunteers, who are carrying out these projects in critical areas around the world.

As a spiritual teacher, Gurudev has rekindled the traditions of yoga and meditation and offered them in a form that is relevant for the 21st century. In addition to reviving ancient wisdom, Gurudev has created new techniques for personal and social transformation. These include Sudarshan Kriya which has helped millions of people find stress relief and discover internal reservoirs of energy and inner silence in daily life.

Scopri di più sulle attività di Gurudev nel suo sito ufficiale:

Una Figura di Pace 

Come ambasciatore di pace, Gurudev ha svolto un ruolo chiave nella risoluzione dei conflitti in tutto il mondo mentre condivide la sua visione della non violenza nei forum e nelle assemblee pubbliche in tutto il mondo. Considerato come una figura neutrale con un unico programma di pace, rappresenta la speranza per le persone che vivono in zone di conflitto. Ha ricevuto particolari riconoscimenti per aver portato le parti in conflitto al tavolo delle trattative in Iraq, Costa d'Avorio, Kashmir e Bihar. Attraverso le sue iniziative e discorsi, Gurudev ha costantemente sottolineato la necessità di rafforzare i valori umani e riconoscere che apparteniamo a una famiglia monopolistica. Promuovere l'armonia interreligiosa e invocare l'educazione multiculturale come rimedio per il fanatismo sono parti significative dei suoi sforzi per raggiungere una pace sostenibile sul nostro pianeta.

Gurudev has touched the lives of millions around the world, going beyond the barriers of race, nationality and religion with the message of a one-world family free from stress and violence that can be created through the reawakening of human values and service.




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