Art of Living Corporate Yoga brings the simplicity and power of yoga to the workspace.


"From time to time, I stay up late or even the full night for critical work deadlines. Usually the next day is very tiring and I would be waiting to hit the bed. A couple of weeks ago, I had a similar situation on a Tuesday where I had stayed up most of the night--hardly had a couple of hours rest and came to office on Wednesday and started the day with the yoga session. Surprisingly, I was able to stay normal and work productively throughout the day. It was a mind-blowing breakthrough experience that I can’t describe in words. Thanks a lot for helping me experience such a possibility.”

Thenu (Thenmozhy Kaliyamurthy), SYNOPSYS

Program Highlights

  • Holistic modules that incorporate asanas, pranayamas, meditation and wisdom
  • Flagship program with a sequence that is gentle and suitable for all levels of practitioners
  • Customisable options



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Introduce the joy of yoga to your workplace!

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