

  1. In Rudra pooja, there are a lot of layers that we worship. Do these layers exist in the same space?

    Scientists say this universe is multi-dimensional. It is not a universe, it is multi-verse because it has many layers. Just like in the television there is not just one channel. In the 1960s and 70s there was only one channel called Doordarshan ...
  2. Isn’t it through science that we can actually identify this wrong understanding or wrong knowledge?

    Correct, that is why spirituality is a science. This is what people said thousands of years ago in the six darshanas (schools of thought).The six darshanas are:1. Samkhya (emphasizing on consciousness and matter)2. Yo ...
  3. Gurudev, why are all the famous temples of our country constructed on top of a hill or a mountain? Why have they made it so difficult to reach the temple?

    See, there is a scientific reason behind constructing the temple on top of a mountain. When you climb or walk such a great distance, your blood circulation greatly improves and the pace of your breath also changes. It becomes sort of like doing prana ...
  4. Gurudev, our horoscope is based on our birth time. If the birth time is unknown, does that mean our horoscope is wrong?

    If the timing is correct, interpretation is right. You can never say that it is 100% right. There is a probability of it being 80%-90% correct. And there is always an adrushya (invisible), i.e., an unknown influence. It can happen anytime ...
  5. Gurudev, you spoke about listening to the Anaahat Naad in silence. But if I try to do that, I feel very awkward as if I have some disorder. Once when I told my doctor about this he said that I must be hearing things and that I have some mental illness.

    Relax in the sound that you hear from within. We try to fight with that inner sound, we try and get rid of it. Don’t do that, instead relax with a calm mind in the sound. For example, the people in Mumbai and Delhi who have homes near the m ...
  6. Gurudev, in the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna says that among the months of the year I am the Margashirsha month (corresponding to the period from the third week of November to the third week of December). Please explain.

    See, in our country, every month of the calendar has been associated with some event and so each month has its own importance. There is also a special month called the Purushottama Maasa (literally meaning the month of Lord Vishnu) that is consid ...
  7. Dear Gurudev, please tell us which is the best place to put our heads when we sleep (North, South, East or West).

    Put your head on the pillow! (laughter)North has a magnetic pole, so if you put your head in the north and sleep north-south then the magnetic current that flows from north to south passes through your head to your toes. It can be tiring and ...
  8. Please explain the significance of Go-daan (the custom of donating a cow as charity in India) and whether one should do it while being alive, or by someone else after his death. What is the reason behind doing this?

    Let us first understand the meaning of the word 'Go'. What does it mean? There are four meanings to it: Go means jnana (knowledge), gaman (to travel to one’s final destination), prapti (the act of receivi ...
  9. Gurudev, what is Pitr? And what is Pitr lok?

    After leaving the physical body, the place where soul departs to is Pitr Loka.These lokas are present here only. It is like TV channels. If you change a channel on the television, that does not mean the other channel disappears. It is ...
  10. Gurudev, people tend to consult Vastushastra (the ancient Indian science of space and architecture) before starting the construction of a building or a new home. What is the relevance of these practices in the times of today?

    See, there are many different shastras (body of science or knowledge) and not just one. Different methods and approaches are written and prescribed in different scriptures.So it is okay to consult Vastushastra before you construct a ne ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Mehr