What Sri Sri said today archive


  1. Feel The Helping Hand

    There are some people who believe that they are always right. They somehow convince themselves that whatever they do is always right, and so they don’t learn anything from their experiences and repeat the same mistakes.There are also some people who think ...
  2. An Ideal Situation

    (As Gurudev enters, the Satsang begins with devotees from the state of Chhattisgarh adorning Gurudev with a beautiful traditional dress and headgear at the end of a special Advanced Meditation Program) This is all so beautiful! I think we will have to get ...
  3. Feel Abundant This Dhantheras

      "Happy Diwali to everyone! So today is Dhanteras, Diwali starts today. Dhanteras is where you feel abundance, you feel everything is there. From abundance, abundance grows. So everyone feel content and abundant. Walk with the feeling that whatever we ne ...
  4. Sri Sri's Message on Diwali

    Our life is like a lamp. Just like a lamp needs oxygen to keep burning, the same is with our life. If you were to be locked up in a glass cage, then you would be able to survive only as long as there is oxygen in the cage. In the same way, if you cover a ...
  5. A Devotee Can Never Fail

    When we fail, who is the doer? When I’m successful, I say it’s God’s grace or that Gurudev did it but when I fail, then God does not seem to be around me to take the responsibility! Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Look back and reflect on the many times you have fa ...
  6. A Voice Without Words

    (A a group of singers from Tamil Nadu joined the satsang, and recited ancient poems in Tamil written by a renowned saint Manikkavachakar.) The group that has come here today from Tamil Nadu belongs to one of the 63 saints of Tamil Nadu. There were 63 Shaiv ...
  7. The Divine Armor

    Move on in life with the confidence that you will be given everything in abundance, and that you are being protected by the Divine. There is a divine armor around you that is protecting you; you have nothing to worry about. Know this and keep walking ahea ...
  8. Sri Sri Reminisces (Continued)

    (Below is a continuation of post Sri Sri Reminisces) Gurudev, today the Sudarshan Kriya is such a technique that has changed the lives of millions around the world. How did you come to know or acquire it? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: I used to teach meditation i ...
  9. Sri Sri Reminisces

    (Ajay Shukla, a representative from Door Darshan, conducted an interview with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at The Art of Living International Ashram on 23 September 2015, reminiscing his childhood days and the discovery of the Sudarshan Kriya. Below is the ...
  10. Sharing Life's Abundance

    (Below is a continuation of post How To Live In The Present) Gurudev, I am a soldier. Will doing sadhana reduce my zeal and enthusiasm? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: No, not at all. In fact, doing sadhana will help you strengthen and maintain your enthusiasm and p ...