Wisdom Search


  1. Mid-life crisis. How to get interest in living after fifty plus?

    Just look at me. I need you, come and be with me. We will go around the world and we can do a lot of work. I need more and more hands. If you are fifty plus, and have done everything in your life, settled your children, then come over. Even if you are ...
  2. What is the significance of Atma Ram borne in our body which is also called as the seat of consciousness and is a miniature form of the person?

    How many of you know the meaning of word ‘Ram’? English word ‘Rays’ comes from a Sanskrit word called ‘Rashmi’. ‘Ra’ means light, the rays. ‘Ma’ means me. Ram means the light in one’s heart. Dashratha means the ten chariots or the ten senses, which ar ...
  3. What is the link between consciousness and prana?

    They are linked like the body and the mind. They are different yet they are linked. Body, mind, prana, the breath and consciousness can be categorized as five different layers. ...
  4. Gurudev, I feel that I crave recognition constantly, how to drop this?

    First step is that you have already noticed that you are craving for recognition, and the second step is it will itself get dropped. It will happen. ...
  5. Dear Guruji, can you speak on the seven chakras and the effect of the panchamahabhuta on each one of them.

    The panchamahabhuta has effect on all the chakras. Stomach is connected with fire element; the swadhisthana chakra is connected with water element. The heart is connected with the air element, the throat with the ether element and the ...
  6. Gurudev, every form is Shakti and every formless is Shiva, then what is the representation of breath?

    It is both a combination of Shiva and Shakti. The breath connects them both. ...
  7. Gurudev, why do we exist and who are we?

    This is a very good question! Don’t give the question to anybody. Keep asking this question within yourself time and again. Keep the question within you. These are some precious questions. Don’t sell them for pennies and don’t get satisfied with some ...
  8. Gurudev, what is the purpose of life?

    This is a very good question that arose in your mind. Consider yourself very fortunate. It is your good fortune that this question arose in your mind, ‘What is the goal of life?’ We just keep living life and don’t even think what life really is. One who k ...
  9. How is laziness different from the yoga of non-action?

    Well, laziness just makes you dull. It makes you heavy. Laziness doesn’t bring you energy, happiness or dynamism. Yoga of non-action brings lot of energy and enthusiasm. Even before you intend to do something, things are already happening and that is ...