14 July 2015 - QA 11

My family and boyfriend don’t understand spirituality and The Art of Living. Should I move on from my boyfriend and family, and create something better and lighter?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

Yes, this is a challenge. Have some patience and see how you can make them understand, and also get them to get a taste of it. Use your skills to communicate what you feel, and how spirituality is so good for you and others.

There are many people like this. They brought their boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wives who initially were not willing. But then later, they went even one step ahead of them! It is happening. All possibilities are there. You do your 100% to introduce them to wisdom.

You can ask your boyfriend for a birthday gift. No boyfriend or girlfriend will say no. Then you say that you want both of you to do the Happiness Program (Part-I Course) together. And that’s it! Or, on his birthday, gift him the Happiness Program along with yourself. So both of you come and sit and do the Happiness Program (Part-I Course). You will see the difference right there. Use all your skills.