5 May 2016 - QA 4

How do you connect to the different sections of society so easily and make spirituality relevant to them? Do you think that ISIS can be reformed through spirituality too?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

I never lose hope in anything. I only wish that everyone gets a taste of this.

See, deep inside, everyone is a human being. If you keep aside your concepts and if you keep aside your intellect which has shrouded the beautiful soul, you will see the world from a very different angle. I have malice for none. I have hatred to nobody. I only have compassion. My dear, they are our own people.

People who are engaged in violence are mentally, emotionally and spiritually sick. A doctor never dislikes any sick people. If he hates anybody, he is no longer a doctor. He has to come out of the chair of ‘vaidya’. It is a different issue that he may not be able to heal or cure everybody, but as a doctor, he never dislikes anyone. He may say, “I am sorry, I cannot do anything about this.”
I have not yet gone to the corner of ‘sorry’ as yet, that I cannot do anything about it. I cannot say right now. There is a hope somewhere, sometime. We have done it in the past, whether it is in the north-east (of India), with the ULFA, or some people in Kashmir, or in Kosovo, or when our teachers went to the FAARC people in Columbia. We have had good experiences of bridging the gap, creating back the trust they had in each other and uplifting human values.

Today morning only, one teacher from Maharashtra has shared her experience on how ten dacoits barged into her house and how she reacted to them. She didn’t have any fear. She told them that her home is an ashram and they could have food and go. The dacoits first tried to cover her with a blanket but when they saw her courage, they asked if she was not scared or something like that. They knew that she was on the spiritual path, and so they ate the food and went away! I am not saying that everyone should try that, but faith in humanity, faith in love, faith in values is what really pays off finally.