Through The Master's Eyes: Alexander Luthra

Alexander Luthra, teacher with the Art of Living, resides in The Art of Living International Center, Bangalore. He had the privilege of traveling with the Master. He recollects an incident that toched his heart.

Once we had gone for a trip to Mysore with Guruji. We left in the morning and came back in the night. He had about 30 programs scheduled in between, ranging from visiting someone’s house and having food there, to programs in  temples, a few different public programs, satsangs, inaugurations, and a talk at a hospital. 

In each of these events, he was fully there, attending to what’s happening. He would notice even if one of us had not come to the car. 

That day, we had breakfast in a devotee’s house. And one of the ladies in the house gave Guruji a box of homemade sweets, which he gave to one of us to keep in the car. 

Later in the evening, he suddenly asked us for the box of sweets. We couldn’t find it, so we left for the scheduled program. A while later he asked us again if we found the sweets ad we still could not find it.  

Finally, when we reached the ashram late at night, we were taking all the things out of the car. He asked us again if we found it and we finally found it and gave it to him. He told us that the lady had made the sweets with so much love and how much it meant to her.

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Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives.Read More