
Search results

  1. I find the past very painful.

    The past should be viewed as destiny. If you think you had a choice in the past, the present will be spoiled because you regret the past. Continued regret about the past creates a lot of toxins in the body, and hence adversely affects the future. Past is ...
  2. What are effects of Past life karma on the present life? I feel I have done sins in past.

    Don’t waste your energy thinking too much on past life karmas. Use your energy to come out of the present problems. ‘Om Namah Shivaye’ mantra, pranayama, Satsang.. – All these take care of your previous karmas. Surrender all your ...
  3. How do we know that our past karmas have been burnt?

    Just assume it. Just like assuming, 'I am free' makes one free. Believing that past karma has been burnt makes it so. ...
Founded in 1981 by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,The Art of Living is an educational and humanitarian movement engaged in stress-management and service initiatives. Read More