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  1. Sri Sri becomes the first Indian recipient of the Crans Montana Forum Award

    Brussels. June 25. 2011. In an impressive ceremony on Friday in Brussels attended by several Presidents, Prime Ministers and Ambassadors, Art of Living founder, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar became the first Indian to receive the Crans Montana Forum Award. ...
  2. Art of Living gears up to host its 30 year celebrations

    Bangalore. June 21. 2011. The Art of living will celebrate its 30th anniversary in Berlin with the ‘World Culture Festival’ on the 2 and 3 July, 2011 where more than 70,000 people across 151 countries will congregate with an aim of ‘Celebrating diversity a ...
  3. Women as Leaders: The Light of Leadership

    Women as Leaders; This kind of phrase usually conjures images of indomitable "Iron Ladies" in sharp suits competing with men in their own world, or Amazon queens on chariots leading their armies with blood curdling ferocity. Far from it though, this new in ...
  4. Ghana Wakes Up To Dreams & Drums

    By Anirudh Singh A focus on service, an eye for change, a leap of faith, and the resounding music of drums was all it took to bring alive the sleepy hamlet of Keta in Ghana. Indeed this is how the story of a simple Ghana drum brought about transformation t ...
  5. Berlin's Olympiastadion to host the largest Yoga Park in Europe

    70,000 Ambassadors for Peace experience the phenomenon Yoga Active Hatha Yoga, holistic Sivananda Yoga, modern Power Yoga; the list of the various yoga schools is long and the demand is enormous. In Germany, today, 5 million people have already tried yoga ...
  6. Melting pot of cultures for peace

    It’s almost as if you can hear the sound of drums rolling as we approach the July 2 & 3 weekend of The World Culture Festival in Berlin. The tickets have been booked, visas stamped and the to-do list (nearly!) complete. Celebrating 30 years of Art of L ...
  7. 70,000 Ambassadors for Peace follow Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    It started with a vision: a vision of peaceful co-existence in a stress- free and non-violent world for people of all backgrounds. That was 30 years ago when Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Bangalore, India, founded The Art of Living, a humanitarian NGO th ...
  8. Sri Sri’s father, Acharya Sri Ratnananda passes away

    Bangalore. June 8. 2011 Acharya Sri Ratnanandaji, fondly remembered as Pitaji by The Art of Living family worldwide, passed away in the early hours today in Bangalore. He was 87 years old. He leaves behind his illustrious son, Param Poojya Gurudev Sri Sri ...
  9. Waves of Divine Beauty

    Bhanu Didi Spirituality is a journey from the outer world of names and forms to the subtle world of energies, to the innermost core of our being - the Self. The nature of the Self is described as Satyam, Shivam and Sundaram – Truth, Tranquility and Innocen ...
  10. Sri Sri, Anna call upon the nation to fight corruption

    Bangalore. May 28. 2011Social activist Anna Hazare along with Arvind Kejriwal and Swami Agnivesh, today, called upon Art of Living Founder, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at The Art of Living International Center. Thanking the spiritual leader and thousands ...