Peanut Butter Project

800 women in Murewa, Zimbabwe underwent The Art of Living Breath-Water-Sound workshop. Around 60-80 women were trained in using a peanut butter machine, donated by The Art of Living. Earlier, the women would use a stone to make the peanut butter, so the machine has helped the project to grow.

The Process

The peanuts are grown, shelled, bottled and packaged in Murewa. Every morning, the women practice exercises taught in the Breath-Water-Sound Training Program and together start making the peanut butter. The women also package and market their peanut butter.

Empowered through the Project

This has helped many women gain confidence and achieve economic independence. For the first time, women have been able to afford their children’s school fees without any stress. Seeing how successful they have been, their husbands have started supporting them by giving them land to grow peanuts.