13 Nov 2011 - QA 4

(A member of the audience asked a question and it was inaudible)
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: It is important to have a clean mind.
If you do pooja wearing a wet cloth (symbolism of purity) but your mind is not clean, it is not of much use. The cloth is also quite dirty sometimes and the water used may not be clean too!
Some people take a dip in a lake, but the water of the lake might be dirty. However, people think that they are clean just because they have taken bath.
Just because I said a clean mind is enough, it doesn't mean you sit for pooja wearing a suit with your shoes and socks on after having travelled all over the city!
People in western nations wear socks because of the cold weather. In a place like India which has tropical climate, we wear socks even though we sweat and roam around in them as if we are going to accomplish something great! We need to come out of this foolishness.
There are two types of blind beliefs:
1. Blind belief in things that are modern or latest
2. Blind belief in things that are ancient
People can progress only when they leave these two blind beliefs.