What Sri Sri said today archive

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  1. Lift Up Your Eyes

    Nusa Dua, Bali (Below is a continuation of the post Human Life Is Very Precious) Dear Gurudev, can you tell us about God’s mother and father? And how many brothers and sisters does God have? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: My goodness! I will tell you who God’s moth ...
  2. The Door To Heaven

    Nusa Dua, Bali This universe is so beautiful. There are so many types of flowers, fruits, trees, animals, human beings; such variety has been created so that you can be happy. But the human mind is such that it does not allow you to be happy. Even in the b ...
  3. The Three Things That We Live For

    Tokyo, Japan We need to see life from a broader vision. What we know as life, and this whole world, is through our senses. It is through seeing, hearing, touching, and understanding. The knowledge that we get through the five senses is of one level. There ...
  4. Let Out The Steam, Get Into The Team

    Tokyo, Japan (Gurudev interacted with entrepreneurs at a special seminar in Tokyo, encouraging the audience to embrace spirituality in corporate practices.Below is a transcript of What Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said.) I was visiting the Shinto shrine ye ...
  5. There Is No Need To Keep Talking

    Tokyo, Japan We are a global family. I would like to create waves of happiness in Japan. You should all get together to bring glory to the youth of this country. I always say, wherever I go in the world that we have to learn teamwork from Japan. By area Ja ...
  6. There Is Something Higher Than The Physical Laws

    Calgary, Canada There is an epic story about King Dasharatha, who had three wives, but no children. He and one of his wives, Kaushalya, did a yagya called Ashwamedha, after which they got four sons. Medha means purification (ceremony); ashwa means today, n ...
  7. An Insight Into The Science Of Yoga

    Calgary, Canada (Gurudev addressed over 200 medical professionals through The Symposium for the Medical Fraternity of Calgary, at the Libin Theater, Health Sciences Center.The health providers in attendance came from a wide variety of health professions; d ...
  8. Humiliation- A Blessing In Disguise

    Calgary, Canada How do I get rid of my ego, which is so strong? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Oh, for heaven’s sake, don’t do that! Don’t try to get rid of your ego. If you find that your ego is your biggest problem; keep it in your pocket, or in the purse. Let it ...
  9. Always Tired At Work?

    Regina, Canada It is so nice to be here! Regina appears to be a place of cool headed and warm hearted people. Usually in big cities, people are cold hearted and hot headed. In smaller cities, there is togetherness, people get together. We have to keep this ...
  10. Firmness, Softness & Love

    Montreal, Canada Today is Vaisakhi (a festival celebrated across India especially in the Punjab region by the Sikh community); It is celebrated as the day of the Khalsa in Punjab. Today is the day when the Khalsa clan was started by Guru Gobind Singh to pr ...