Enjoy the company of positive and spiritually minded people

Discuss knowledge to increase your peace of mind

Brush up on the techniques of the Art of Breathing course. 

Experience the power of a live or online follow-up


Join an in-person or online follow-up after completing an Art of Breathing. Experience the power of the SKY breathing technique under the guidance of qualified teacher.


Life Happens, and It Can Be So Hard to Keep Up With Everything

When you can’t even find the time to answer your emails, or cook all of your meals—how can you find the time to sit quietly...and just breathe?


Well, you’ve already experienced the Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique and you know that your practice time is the true high time in your day. This technique can restore your calm and bring you back to inner peace—instantly, even amidst the daily chaos.


There is no better time than now to reconnect with your inner stillness through the powerful rhythms of your breath.

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