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  1. Dear Guruji, when faced with the choice of two equally attractive options, what is the determining factor in making the choice?

    This can happen only happen with two things - either your job or your relationships! In these circumstances my single advice is ‘choice is yours blessing is mine’. ...
  2. If someone has wronged me, should I try to take matters in hand and attempt to punish that person or leave it up to the nature to set the record straight?

    Of course it takes more effort, courage, intelligence to set somebody right. If you have the patience, do it. And if you feel it’s costing you too much, it is getting on your own nerves,then leave it to nature. ...
  3. Gurudev, who are Aryans? Please explain the origin of different races Asian, Europeans…

    Well, anthropologists have all the logics and theories and there are many who agree and disagree and contradict. It is all in the history books, my dear. So many theories have come up, don’t bother about it. This is because of the presumption of some peop ...
  4. Dear Guruji, could you please share with us what you experience during deep meditation?

    Just myself. Like doctors have some ethics, gurus also have some ethics - not to speak of their experience. Otherwise you would sit and close your eyes saying,’ Oh I want that experience, oh Guruji is in Samadhi, I want that Samadhi’. No. ...
  5. Gurudev, how to improve people’s skills and communication skills?

    This is important. Talk less, observe more. Second, don’t put your ideas too much so that the other person doesn’t digest it or take it, got it? Don’t keep pouring your ideas. Sometimes we do that, we pour too much of our ideas. The other person, you don’ ...
  6. Where should we direct our energy during silence? Where does the attention go when we walk outside? Thank you Guruji

    Two things: Observe the nature, second is, observe yourself, your own breath, your own body. And do it with least amount of effort. Don’t use too much effort. Okay? Just a gentle awareness is good enough; some people put so much effort doing it. Then they ...
  7. vDear Guruji, I have told lies to someone using your name and every day I feel guilty about it. How do I get rid of this guilty feeling? I promise I will never do it again.

    Well, that is done. You have promised and it’s done. Move on. I know many people have used my name that way and people also know. People take Guruji’s name and get their way through. So anyways, there is no point in regretting the past. You have taken the ...
  8. Could you please explain hollow and empty again?

    Listen, our job is to empty and you want to put a concept in it! Explanation is a concept, isn’t it? Scientifically know that everything is hollow and empty, your throat is hollow. That’s how you could swallow, and that’s how you could drink. Isn’t it? If ...
  9. Dear Guruji, how does one develop a ‘Yes’ attitude?

    Just your wanting to have a yes attitude, you are already there. ...
  10. What is the difference between soul, atma, and jeeva? Are they the same?

    Soul is the English word, Atma is Sanskrit. The root word of self is swa, swa means atma. Most of the English words, when you go into the root, you’ll find Sanskrit there.Swa means Self.Swa means Atma. Jeeva is the Self enclosed in the mind. It’s like the ...