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  1. Practice Being Content

    Sat, 15/08/2015
    Deep rest is the essence of sadhana. You have become so tired by doing something or the other all the time. Now just sit down for some time and to be with yourself. Do some meditation. When you meditate, you will start seeing a new world in front of you.Y ...
  2. The Cause Of All Causes Is The Guru Principle

    Sat, 01/08/2015
    It so happened once, a lady went to a Guru and said, "I have two questions". The Guru said, "Okay, ask me". The lady asked, "Why did God make this world? Why couldn't he just be happy with the way it was? And having created it, why did he make it so miser ...
  3. Sri Sri's Message On Guru Purnima 2015

    Fri, 31/07/2015
    There are two worlds that we live in: One is the world of memory and the other is the real world. In memory, there are three types of memory.1. You remember but you can't do anything about it. You remember your childhood, but you can't get it back. This i ...
  4. Why Acceptance Is Important In Relationships

    Sun, 26/07/2015
    You know medical science is evolving. At one point of time, people were told antibiotics are good, but now it's said they are not so good. At one point of time, a whole generation left this planet thinking butter is very bad for your heart, but last year, ...
  5. Let Go Of Fear Of Other People's Opinion

    Tue, 21/07/2015
    Gurudev, sometimes I find it difficult to explain to other people the benefits of meditation. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: See, you don't try to convince people who don't know what meditation is. Even if they get convinced, they will not do it. So better leave i ...
  6. The Twists And Turns Of Karma

    Tue, 21/07/2015
    (Below is a continuation of Let Go Of Fear Of Other People's Opinion) Gurudev, how come some people come to The Art of Living, experience this path, and then suddenly change their mind and go away. I really cannot understand this. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Se ...
  7. Why Sincerity Is Important?

    Sat, 18/07/2015
    (Below is a continuation of post An Easy Way To Forgive) Dear Gurudev, congratulations for the meeting with the FARC in Cuba and their resolution to adopt non-violence. Is there a way that you can also approach Hamas leaders from Gaza to inspire them to d ...
  8. An Easy Way To Forgive

    Sat, 18/07/2015
    Singing is essential. It should be a part of our life. Even before we started talking, we started humming. Every human being, every bird, and most of the animals sing because singing is part of the expression of life. Spending a few minutes with music eve ...
  9. Meditation For A Fresh Mind

    Thu, 16/07/2015
    (Below is a continuation of post What Makes A Great Warrior) Dear Gurudev, I know that it is a recommended not to think during meditation, but all my best ideas come to me exactly when I sit for meditation in the morning. I don’t want to miss them and so ...
  10. How The Awareness Of Death Brings More Life

    Tue, 14/07/2015
    Time and life is such, it comes like a storm and swabs your mind. Let me put it this way: the negativity comes like a storm and takes over your mind and swabs you out. Hasn’t this happened to you? (Many in the audience raise their hands). It does happen. ...
Displaying 31 - 40 of 149