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  1. I have so often wondered when will there ever be deep and lasting peace in the Middle East.

    Let us hope that it should come within our lifetime. Recently one of our Art of Living teachers from Israel did a commendable job. She raised some funds and brought some Palestinian ladies and some Israeli ladies who really hated each other to the Ger ...
  2. Gurudev, the entire country is very proud of Sachin Tendulkar today as he completed his 100th century today. Would you like to say something about him?

    I would like to congratulate him. And at the same time would like to request him to become a member of the cricket board, BCCI (Board for Control of Cricket in India). At the moment, many elderly people are the members of this board, who are beyond si ...
  3. Gurudev, in U.P a youth is going to become the Chief Minister today. He has proclaimed that he will eradicate autocratic power that uses money or muscle strength. Do you feel that a youth can bring changes in this country?

    Definitely! Youth want such a change. I congratulate Akhileshji for bringing U.P. to such great heights. And taking him as an ideal, the youth in other states should move forward. Let the youth be a part of the ministry. This is very good news. Autocr ...
  4. Gurudev, you are going to Pakistan. There is lot of violence there. What do you feel about the future of Pakistan?

    The news of my arrival has spread over there. After so many days, they have banned a terrorist organization which is responsible for killing many of the Shia muslims. Pakistan as well is a victim of terrorism today. I am going there day after tomorrow ...
  5. How do we reach out to the Indian media and Pakistani media with all these benefits that the Art of Living can bring?

    Indian media always covers this. We always find something in the Indian media throughout as Art of Living is so active. So, some of the activities come in Indian media. Many militants in the North East region and also in the Maoist groups, when they d ...
  6. Gurudev, a lot has been said about 2012. In such a circumstance, how does India’s future look like to you?

    India’s future is bright. People will wake up this year. And I am sure that the youths are waking up here. It is also showing up in the elections. People are waking up and raising their voice against corruption. ...
  7. Gurudev, you have said that we should neither give nor take bribe. In 2009, my husband passed away while traveling in a train. Rs. 4 lakh was sanctioned as compensation. However, the lawyer said that he would get the job done quickly if we give a bribe of Rs. 25,000. Otherwise, it would go to the High Court and take another two years. What should we do about this?

    Tell them that if they do the job without taking bribe, it is good. Otherwise, we will report this to the Lokayukta. Decide firmly that you will not pay bribe. These people will not be able to continue such acts for long. Take five to six people with y ...
  8. Why are Sri Lankan Tamils still suffering? Do they have a lot of negative karma?

    This asking of ‘why’ all the time is a problem. We cannot understand why they is suffering. Ask what we can do for them. It is better to ask what we can do for the Sri Lankan Tamils, rather than asking why they are suffering. All of you work towards t ...
Displaying 51 - 60 of 83