The Art of Living Writer’s Challenge

For the past 34 years, across the world, Art of Living has been involved in placing a smile on every face through powerful stress-relieving techniques. Through the yogic techniques of Asanas, Sudarshan Kriya and Meditation thousands of us have experienced true happiness and peace as we continue to smile, meditate, serve and make a difference to our beautiful planet. It’s time we share our stories, experiences and beliefs.

From stories of inner transformation to walking the Path, to a disciple’s experience of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to the challenging work of service to the conviction the spiritual path has given to your life in a political milieu - every story deserves to be told and the world is ready and waiting to hear them!

How do I tell a story?

Since we have been successful in germinating the seed in you, run to the nearest computer and start jotting down your thoughts and experiences right away, in no more than 1500 words and post it to us. This is your opportunity to tell the world what you experience, what you think and what you feel. It is also a chance to feature as a contributor in the Art of Living creative team.

What do I write?

We would love to receive your entries on the following topics.

1. My Spiritual Journey : Walking on the Path / My Arrival into Art of Living  / Staying on the Path / Straying from the Path and Coming Back
2. Serving with Love : Seva and how it has made life better for me and others
3. No Yoga, No Breakfast - Why Yoga and Meditation are a must in my life!
4. Art of Living – A Way of Life
5. Politics and Spirituality / Politics Vs Spirituality 
6. Art of Living to the Rescue (Your experiences and suggestions on how Art of Living can help young people)
7. War or Peace? Is Religion the cause or solution for conflicts?
8. Celebrating Religious Diversity - role of Art of Living
9. Value Based Education (Need for value-based education in schools and colleges)

Where do I send?

Once you are done writing, please send in your entries in a .docx or .rtf format to writeup latest by 27th May, 11:30 PM. Please mention the following

1. Entry for Writing Contest in the body of the Email
2. Your Name, Contact Number and a Postal Address for correspondence
3. Art  of Living Teacher Code (if you are a teacher)

Please note

Here’s a few thing we’d like you to know while you send in your entries

1. All the decisions of The Art of Living will be final and binding in matters pertaining to the contest.
2. The Art of Living reserves the right to publish your entry with a byline on our websites, partner blogs, publications or online properties.
3. We would love to receive original work for this contest. Any plagiarism shall attract disqualification from the contest.
4. If you are quoting some primary link or research source, please cite the link for the same
5. You can send in your entries only in English.
6. To make life easier, we request you to follow some grammar and a system of spelling.


A panel of senior Art of Living faculty, in-house writers of Art of Living and journalists and will sift through articles and pick the winners. The winners will be declared in the presence of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in the 2nd week of June


The following are the prizes for this exciting contest (This is tentative, still being finalised)

WinnerWeek Long Panchakarma Package in Art of Living International Headquarters
Runners UpSilence Retreat in presence of Gurudev at Art of Living International Centre
2nd Runners UpUpcoming Wisdom Series with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at Art of Living International Centre
Consolation Prizes25 consolation winners will receive exclusive Art of Living merchandise of books, CDs, mugs and T-shirts

*terms and conditions apply